Few points to consider before spending $30k for amplifiers. Your speaker 3dB frequency cutoffs are 27 Hz - 40 kHz. Specifications says low frequency point is 24 Hz at -6 dB.
Since you are not going to use any sub-woofers, your listening room dimensions must be able to reproduce the low frequency granted you have software that goes that low (e.g., pipe organ music). At sea-level, your room should be at least 23 ft long to correctly reproduce 24 Hz signal. You can get away with 20 ft long room if all you need is down to 27 Hz which I think would be the case. The lowest frequency on a grand piano is 27.5 Hz, which is almost at the start of the human hearing range
Yes, I agree you will need a muscle amp to reproduce bass because it is all about pushing heavy air mass. Sensitivity is 92 dB, but impedance drops to 3.2 Ohms. I would look for a SS amp that can deliver plenty of current. At your price point, there are many choices including Boulder amps for an example.
Good Luck
Since you are not going to use any sub-woofers, your listening room dimensions must be able to reproduce the low frequency granted you have software that goes that low (e.g., pipe organ music). At sea-level, your room should be at least 23 ft long to correctly reproduce 24 Hz signal. You can get away with 20 ft long room if all you need is down to 27 Hz which I think would be the case. The lowest frequency on a grand piano is 27.5 Hz, which is almost at the start of the human hearing range
Yes, I agree you will need a muscle amp to reproduce bass because it is all about pushing heavy air mass. Sensitivity is 92 dB, but impedance drops to 3.2 Ohms. I would look for a SS amp that can deliver plenty of current. At your price point, there are many choices including Boulder amps for an example.
Good Luck