Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy?

Have been a SET guy for so long I have forgotten what a good SS amp even sounds like.
Just bought a pair of $33k speakers that will replace my current $16k speakers. Both are from the same designer and both are 92db and a flat 8 ohms. The new ones arrive in 4 days!
My 300B based amps well drive my current speakers even though I do use the system nightly as a 2 channel home theater. Especially considering the HT usage, I think I may enjoy a SS amp with many times the horsepower. The speaker designer suggests using a Leema Hydra II. I have written to Leema telling them of my 300B preference and they assure me that their amp does not have the destructive harmonics that make a SS amp bright. There must be other SS amps that can satisfy?
Go check out Derek Sanderson’s Fleawatt chip amps.  He told me a long time ago that several people were trading in their expensive 300B SET amps for his Fleawatt amps and not missing a beat.

i can attest, I recently had a 3 wpc 6B4G SET amp (6V version of a 2A3 tube & supposed to sound identical from all I’ve read about this tube) up against a 3118 chip amp and after hearing it, I could no longer justify owning a tube amp.
There isnt one...yet. I've tried First Watt F2J, SIT2. They come close but not quite there. The best and closest SS amp to SET 300B is the AGD Audion. Give that a try.
I have it and sometimes rotate it with my Berning 300B OTL, Fi 421a, LadyDay 91a+ etc..
But I think you really need speakers that bring out the best in 300B SET. And that means speakers with 98dB efficiency or higher. I highly recommend Rethm speakers.
First watt m2 and sit3 are different beasts entirely. Hard to judge the sit3 based on it. I’d try a sit3 or a J2.
intresting tread as I also am looking for poweramp for high efficient L.S. I do however also need balanced circuit and monoblocks.
Have any of you experience with Grandionote: Demone.  Lamm: 1.2 or the hybrid Thrax: Hero.

 Regards Thastum

I have owned a Pass Labs F5 and a friend owned an Aleph 3.Very decent sounding amps if a bit boring.Nothing like a good SET in sound though .Even with a very good 300B preamp driving them.The Bakoons are in totally different league .