audio mirror dac

How good is this thing? How can I hear one before buying?
I am using Audio Mirror D1 DAC with Sony SCD-C555ES and Micromega Stage 2 as transports. I prefer Sony, it has much wider soundstage.
Just a note to those with the Audio Mirror D1 DAC. I recently purchased a Monarchy Audio DIP Classic for testing/use with the D1. The difference was quite pleasant and very noticeable. A new smoothness emerged without effecting treble extension. The soundstage widened around 10-15% compared to it before. The depth was also increased in addition to dynamics. For those people using this DAC, I would highly recommend this addition.


Thanks, I'll check it out. I just purchased a second D1. My original will go to TRL for mods and I'm going to compare the two. Should be interesting.
Thanks for the info...
My 1st week with the D1 Signature DAC and I am very pleased.
It is a wonderful component, especially for the $$$.
Vlad's T-61 tube pre is also very nice, had that about 2 weeks now.