Am I getting old and grumpy?

Is it just me, or are other audiophiles getting tired of seeing the "Auctions" section flooded with LP ads? I suspect dealers have option to list items for free, but it is getting to be challenging to look for gear auctions in the "records bin".
Also, is it again just me, or is it annoying to others to see dealers put "Contact for Price" in their ads?
I continue to be happy and enthusiastic that we still have such a nice audiophile website for gear trades and nice discussions, and I recognize the importance of dealers' support for the website to survive, but if not just me, perhaps feedback from more users might help keep it as audiophile friendly as possible.
Please stay safe everyone
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I very much dislike the "Contact for Price" price. It always reminds me of the old saying that if you have to ask, you can’t afford it. I suppose that’s true, but it still puts me off. I complained to one dealer and he told me that he is forced to show "Contact for Price" in order to circumvent the manufacturer's mandate to only sell new product at retail price.