Your thoughts on upgrading Feickert protractor

There's too much slack in the Pin hole that hovers over the center arm pivot. There should be a longer sleeve there of tighter tolerances to allow for a more accurate measure of S2P.

Your thoughts.
Are you serious? chakster protractor CAN'T be improved. It is already the best (grin).

if steps 1 & 2 are spot on, moving to step 3, the cantilever will be slightly off 

Feickert suggests that If the cantilever is slightly off at step 3, it is telling you steps 1 and 2 are not spot on. 

Step 3 “check parallelity with lines on the inner null point.  In case 
parallelity doesn’t match (step 2) go back to (step 1) Otherwise planar setup is finished.
I like my SMARTractor. Except they should have put Stevenson alignment on also. 

Not my experience brother.

Not what is written either.

Funny how at first you seemed to be questioning your own set-up, now you’re questioning mine.

If you knew, why ask? I’m out.

I recognized your moniker from the VPI forums..... so I felt like I was being set up. Just wanted to see how far you’d go?

You should try a MyMat. Then maybe you'd spend more time listening.
Calm down.  Not a setup at all.  Your info conflicted with the instructions and I pointed it out.  It’s a discussion, not a judgement.  With an open mind I had hoped for clarification of your opinion about the nature of tone arms. I thought the Feickert instructions vague.  Still do.  btw my moniker at the vpi forums is not wlutke.