???Anyone Here UpGrade From Yaqin/Cayin/etc... To Another Tube Amp Considered Hi End???

Say something from Ayon,BAT,AR,Raven,Rogue,Unison etc....
Did you gain anything from the upgrade?Lower noise floor increasing low level resolution?Tighter more defined imaging & staging?Anything?
Harbeth M30.1,Nordost Leif series cables,well treated room...Looking at either the Unison Research Triode 25 or Mastersound Box...
Yes, I went from a Cayin A-50T integrated to a Raven Audio Blackhawk LE and the difference is substantial, for the better. The Cayin is a very fine amp, especially at its price but The Blackhawk is clearly better in every way.
^^^ I looked at Raven but everything is sold out,then I came across the Mastersound "Box" at a STEAL of a price & wonder if the investment will bear fruit over the Cayin...Were talking all hand made in Italy,in house transformers,Pure Class A,EL34 Parallel Single Ended(No Push Pull/Class A/B)weighing 15lbs more than the Cayin...
Not sure about the Raven products. I had the Nighthawk MKIII in house and I much prefered my Hegel integrated.
In my opinion, in my system, Raven was one of the most over-hyped products I've heard in 25 years in audio.
devilboy:just yesterday I spent 2 hours between a pair of Harbeth M40.2 speakers driven by a Hegel H590 & cabled up with several thousand $ of Cardas cables,talk about overhyped,You can keep your hegel,I would rather have my Cayin any day!