Best SACD player under $1500?

I was looking at the Music Hall Maverick since I don't need multichannel, but I heard so many complaints about quality control that I've just about ruled it out.

I like the idea of going with a smaller company (instead of Denon, Marantz, Sony, Yamaha, etc.) but I can't spend megabucks.

Modest system will be built around Soliloquy 5.3s and an integrated amp to be purchased in the near future.

Any suggestions?
The new marantz 9500 can be had for right at 1500 . The underrated Xindak SCD 2 is another bargin player that is good on both sacd and redbook.
there are a few. I have the Sony xa777es modded. I got it used for about $1,500. The SACD is great. The redbook is really good. As much as I hear people complaining that the redbook wasn't very good on this player. I keep comparing it to other players hoping to make a change, but it keeps beating other players in the price range. I assume those comments were for the stock player's redbook performance which I haven't heard. Mine was modded from the start.
Who does the mods? Any recomendations? I have the sony 777xes and would be interested in a mod package.
Larry Rosen,
you look into TRL (Tube research Labs). They are doing a mod on my marantz sa-14 (see long thread). They are quite reasonable at $550 per unit and quite good. Bob
My mod was the superclock II by modwright. It is the one that makes the biggest difference, but if you have the money, I would get the truth mod because dollar for dollar you will get more improvement than going to another stock CD player.