Bob Dylan - new album just out on Tidal - Rough and Rowdy Ways

Just a heads up. Bob’s new album is out on Tidal today. Just finished my first listen - I am a big fan of Bob Dylan - I consider him the Poet of my generation - at 79 his lyrics tell beautiful stories - IMO. Enjoy the music.

Happy Listening!
Took a listen on Spotify and didn't really dig it. I do really like "Murder Most Foul", but none of the other track did much for me. It was a very casual listen, so maybe I'll try it again when I can give it more attention.
Wow, such a broad sweeping statement.  Sorry to read this, and realize how much you have missed.  So much great music after that record.  So much.  But, to each his own.  Rock on.
John to - I take your comment as asking me for more detail as to what I hear in Dylan’s new album - so hear goes.

The main musical theme in the album is simplicity. You can still make great music with limited musicians - piano, Hammond B3, acoustic guitar guitar, snare drum.  He focuses on delicate rhythms for the majority of the album. He did I add strings to ‘Murder Most Foul’.

oOn ‘Mother of Muses’ he adds a bass drum to the rear of the soundstage to great effect.

Two of the cuts are what I consider Honky Tonk - ‘Goodbye Jimmy Reed and Crossing The Rubicon’. More guitar and drum kit and cymbals.

The star of the album are the lyrics in all of the songs - like I said in my original post - he is a Poet - his ability to paint a picture in my mind while he sings is a gift he offers to those who want to listen, he makes me think, and he creates a musical web to help me focus on the story he is telling in his lyrics.

enjoy the music 
I like it a lot.  Wonderful, well recorded album.  I always admired Dylan's poetry and compositions, but singing was not his forte.  Surprisingly his singing is really good.  Songs, on slow side, are very melodic while the band and musical arrangements are first class.  Strings in Murder Most Foul are brilliant addition.  All lyrics are very interesting (need more time to digest).  I'm not sure about Amazon Prime - Music bitrate, but CD sounds much better (cleaner and more open).