A warm DAC?

Help me pair a DAC with my Prima Luna integrated, Focal 1038 be and PS Audio Perfect Wave transport...Speakers are quite detailed. Looking to level out the high end. Prefer analog warmth. No interest in streaming, expect to use for CD play only...budget $2500.
For your purposes the PS Audio DAC III is a warm DAC and probably quite affordable used if you can find one. 
So, this group has given me quite the education, and for that I thank you all! I most certainly regret using "warm" to get this post started...My vocabulary has grown to, musical, organic, analog like, musical...I HAVE learned that I am not alone. There seems to be a contingent of folks who just want to enjoy what they have and have no need to make the transition to streaming...About half of my listening time is analog, so I just don't have the resources to get into the latest digital equipment...

After all of your responses, I am drawn towards the MGDT Orchid, Tubadour 3, Boarder Patrol and a PS Audio PW DAC to mate with my PS Audio, PW Transport...Cheers!
Let the over obsessing continue!
neko d-100-2 is very nice too... output transformer coupled, warm nature very easy to listen to, picked one up recently, quite impressed

as for units mentioned above:

rme adi2 is a really great dac but it is NOT warm... it is very good akm implementation - clean crisp tight focus revealing... not lean and strident but not warm

same for chord dacs - i have qutest, 2qute, mojo, soon to be adding an m scaler to qutest -- they are also not warm.  the sound has body and foundation but there is startling clarity and detail... not warm side of neutral imo

I'm amazed at the amount of different DAC's are out there for under $1500 that can be bought either new or used.  Makes the buying decision more difficult though.  Almost all mentioned get good reviews.  
I think my route would be to first look at one's that offer a free trial period or if I can get a good deal used, buy it and if it ain't for me I'll resell it.