Phasemation EA-200 phonostage - opinions

I am looking for opinions about this phonostage 
But Phase Tech is a prominent name in audio showrooms in Tokyo.  So, they are not "fly by night".  Your experience and that of the OP are probably a reflection on the US distributor/importer doing a bad job of customer support.  That's unfortunate, because in general their stuff seems to sound good.  Most likely the OP received no response from the manufacturer, because they figured the distributor would take care of the customer, or maybe no one at the receiving end in Japan could read English.
Another Japanese company I'm not familiar with. 

By the looks of the website, nice stuff. Their philosophy appears to be a purist approach. The 3 unit, tubed phonostage is hardcore. Something for the uberphile.

I would be very concerned about US dealer after sales support. Looks like a brand with limited exposure in the U.S. Caveat emptor.

But is that the same as Phase Tech?

If memory serves, they were the first ones out with flat drivers (i.e. neither cone nor dome).

Phase Tech is a prominent name in audio showrooms in Tokyo. So, they are not "fly by night".
In any event, I didn’t know that Phasemation was using the Phase Tech name again.
Your experience and that of the OP are probably a reflection on the US distributor/importer doing a bad job of customer support.
Yes, I’d say not responding to a current customer is "doing a bad job of customer support."
Fool me once ...
OP: Contact Ana Mighty Sound in Paris. They carry it, and are super nice people that know analog very well.