Preamplifier, in need of input

I am in the market for a new preamp - my 17 year old Joule Electra is going to my son). My music preference is eclectic but tends to focus more on rock and soft rock.  So I am looking for a system sound that is detailed (but not analytic or dry), dynamic, wide/deep sound stage strong bass handling.  Price target is $10,000 and must have balanced outputs.  Preference for tubes over solid state.   I live overseas in a place where the “dealers” carry very limited stock.  So there are limited opportunities to demo new gear ... in fact you have to put down a hefty deposit before the dealer will order from the manufacturer.  I bought Pass Labs 60.8 a few months ago.  Got lucky I guess ... relaxed sound but detail and bass is there (speakers Avantgarde Uno) I have done what I can to read reviews and attend HiFi shows.  Of course concerned about system matching to achieve the sound goals.  I came up with a list of preamps.  Any input/experience you might have with these would help a lot: Pass Labs XP22, VTL TL 5.5, Rogue RP 9, Audio Note M3, Audio Research LS28SE, Conrad Johnson ET7 S2.  The Pass Labs is tempting as it should system match but does not check the box on price or tubes.
I recommend adding the PS Audio BHK Signature preamp to your list, for much less than your target price. As good as the XP-22 is, which I had for a year, the BHK sounds more fleshed out and gives up only a minuscule amount of leading edge transient attack and low bass slam. I don’t think the BHK would compare as favorably if it did not have its highly regarded solid state as opposed to tube output stage. I ended up preferring the stock Psvane 12au7 tubes over some others and some 6 volt types. I can’t speak for the Rogue RP-9, but the RP-7 fell well short of either unit in my system. 
Audio Note M3. Uses balanced input transformers, but it may be a single-ended design. I’ve been looking to purchase used.

I would also add a Backert Labs Rhythm 1.3, since it ticks all the boxes. But not sure if they have a dealer in your location.