Shootout of Nos 6sn7 tubes

I will have shootout between TS BGRP, RCA vt231, KR vt231, Syl vt231, Raytheon vt 231 and "Bad boy" next weekend.

If I get MELZ 6N8S 6SN7 Metal Base next week, then I will also include it in shootout

RCA5691, Psavne Acme 300B, Psavne Acme 805 are also being used in Line Magnetic 508 amplifier.

Speaker will be Lansche 4.1 with plasma tweeter.

Digital source will be Dave and HMS fed by ripped CD stored in ssd drive of Cocktail audio x30.

I will play

Eva Cassidy's 'Autumn Leaves"

"Trinity Sessionn " by Cowboy Junkies

For classical orchestra, "Trittico" directed by Fennel.

"Still harry after all these years" will be for fusion jazz.

Any more suggestion gentlemen and ladies.

Thomas and big_greg,
I'm not enjoying my second pair of 1578's at all. It's taking a long time to burn-in; they don't have the bass extension and impact of my first pair which sounded great from the start. It's a shame one of them crapped out.
I have 35 hours on Melz #2 and pulled them out. I'll burn them in some other time. Early 1950s Tung Sol GTB are sounding better than the Melz.
Luckily my replacement 1578's arrived today.

Is everyone ordering their 1578 from the same eBay seller?  Seems to be a lot of poor quality and noisy tubes being sold?  Some Ukraine and Russian sellers have been known for selling QC rejects. 
This subject was mentioned on another forum. All the best tubes went into service with the Russian Military and QC standards were high during the Cold War.
The tubes in question are from 1980 and QC had slacked off by then. The Military still got the highest rated tubes, others were sold to the public. These do have the OTK inspection stamp.

Sounds like a plausible explanation.

I have three pairs of 1578 two made in 1980 and one in 1983.

Two of them had been bought from persons in US.

One of them is bought from Russian dealer.

The one from Russian dealer had been working fine so far for 30 hours.

if you have problem with it, contact the Russian dealer, it seems that Olga is cooperative with request.

Recently I had run into terrible Ebay dealer located in US.

I will post his case in more detail later today.