I'm here for the enthusiasts, not the snobbery

Couple of threads have shown up lately. "Should you be an audiophile if you..." either have a certain type of gear, have a certain amount of money, or don’t make your own.

I personally reject all of that. I’m here for the enthusiasts, and those who suffer. That is, people who are enthusiastic about listening to music via electronics and those who are suffering with problems who need a little help. That’s how I try to build a community.

Also want to point out, again, that this hobby was built by hobbyists and tinkerers. The range included backyard self-electrocuting iconoclasts to scientists in acoustics and electrical engineering. I’m happy to welcome them all.

Laslty, I want to say something about the Porsche metaphor:

1 - All Porsches are ugly. This is an indisputable fact no one wants to talk about and means all debate needs to stop right there.

2 - Any motorcycle is more fun and exciting than any car.

Thank you for reading this and I’m glad I had a chance to nip these conversations in the bud. << evil troll laugh >>

I was referring to the Corvette comfort. I managed, with some struggle, to get into C7 convertible at an auto show. Getting out was not friendly to my knees. No idea how I would have done it from the roofed one.

Nice post Erich.
If you want excitement take a load of gasoline into the median grass at 60 mph. 
Come back out alive unlike #3 into a Daytona wall. Like actors can go to a place to draw tears, you will always be able to summon the willlies henceforth.
I'm done with automobile romance after my first three.  I can't ride 2 wheels any more but have plenty of great memories.

Never finished with enjoying music. 
Inclusivity IS the target for us.  Bragadoccio doesn't work for me here.
Sefl serving metaphors are definitely out of place.
I think all cars are basically pretty ugly, never understood the attraction to them.  But I'm a bicycling kind of person. 

A guy in my Receiving department has dabbled with audio stuff in years past, and has clearly drooled at the goods that come and go for me as I try and trade audio stuff.  Then one day I asked him how much he had spent on cars in his whole life (he's 58, I'm 61).  He scratches his head, says he doesn't know for sure, but it has been a lot (he drives a new, fancy Mustang now).  I have only purchased brand new cars in my life, because I know their service record.  I have spent less than $100k total for the purchase price of all of my cars, as I tend to drive my Tercel's and Camry's into the ground.  I save my dough to treat my ears!
And I ride a super-sweet custom titanium ride to-and-from work.  I'm sure a motorcycle can be thrilling, but it can't compete with your all-body joy of flying through the air in your own power (with sensible brakes, both front and rear!).
??? I thought s a forum was for music enthusiast what has cars and motorcycle's  got to do with it seeing as all are commentating on it to the person who started it all I have to say is you must have Sh-T in in your eyes if you say Porsche cars are ugly  is that why some car makers aspire to look a like cars and as for the motorcycle's ONE you DRIVE and ONE YOU RIDE on comparison.

ps i ride to   
There’s a self important wimp factor among people who feel they have to point out how dangerous motorcycles can be...people who ride them know all about it and really don’t need a "Church Lady" cabal to remind them. In 2019 NYC had 28 bicycle deaths and 128 pedestrian deaths with multiples of that in serious injuries...stay inside Kaitty, and get the interns to loosen the restraints and put you near the window...not too close...careful...