How do you store and catalog your vinyl?

Just curious how members store, sort and catalog their vinyl collection.
With less than a 1000 I have a hard time remembering just what I already own and have purchased duplicates by mistake whilst at the LRS.

How do you store them?
How do you sort them? Alphabetical or genre or year?
Catalog? In the good old days probably in a note book modern equivalent would be a word document or excel spreadsheet.

Very interested to hear what you do and how you manage that massive collection.
Absolutely unbelievable!

And I thought I paid a lot for it at a dive record store in Fargo, North Dakota about 3 years ago at $69!

Holy cow!
Got to say Discogs has been a lifesaver.
Or at least a money saver as my memory fades and it saves me buying the same album over and over.
While cataloging for the first time I found I had three copies of dream of the blue turtles!!

Now I also use it to randomly chose an album for me to play.
Course that’s only half the battle, it does not help me find it.... lol.
Those old jukeboxes definitely had something going  for them.
I keep it simple. I have a couple of shelves built into a wide closet especially for LP.s.All are alphabetical , separated by according to Genre. Same with CDs, which number around 500,which are all  in pullout drawers. Record collection is a bit less than 300; all used records get a thorough cleaning and at the least new rice paper sleeves,with the  best LPs getting Mofi sleeves.