What integrated should I upgrade to?

Hi folks,

Firstly, my apologies for yet another "what should I" post.  But I'd like to seek the advice of my Audiogon brethren.  

Currently, in my second system used mostly for TV viewing, I have a pair of Wharfedale Reva 3 floorstanding loudspeakers, a Cambridge Audio CXA80 integrated amp / DAC and an Auralic Aries Mini streamer.  Wired with transparent Music Link / Wave cables and Shunyata Hydra Talos conditioner and Voodoo Fire power cable to the CXA80.  

I've been itching to upgrade the integrated amp, as I figure it is what's holding things back from a resolution standpoint.  I moved a better DAC (PS Audio Direct Stream Junior) to the second system and it didn't make a discernible difference given the existing gear.  I then moved the Reva 3's up to my reference system and plugged them in and they sounded wonderful!  I've got a Luxman 590axII integrated in that system with the PS Audio Direct Stream Junior DAC.  The power foundation is nearly the same; using Shunyata Denali there.  

So it leads me to conclude that the CXA80 needs upgrading.  

I have been considering a nice used Luxman 550ax or trying the new PS Audio Strata integrated.  I kinda know what to expect with the Luxman.  The PS Audio would be a greater unknown, but has the nicety of everything in one box: DAC, Preamp, amp and streamer.  The money outlay will be more for the Luxman, but not a huge difference.  It will be used rather than new.  Though, I would need a cheapy DAC just to accept the optical from the TV.  

Thoughts on this?  
Thanks jjss49.  Was also considering a new Hegel H190.  Would be slightly more costly than the used Luxman.  But it would have the DAC.  Like the PS Audio Strata, I'm not happy that there is no Roon support on either.  

Do you think the H120 would be an upgrade?  Or is H190 the place to be?  

You need tubes!A good push pull KT88 or EL34 will put you where you want to be.Ayon is on sell for the same $ as the Hegel H120 and would SLAY it in head to head soundoff(yea yea EXCEPT MAYBE in the bass)!
Luxman makes a nice Tube Integrated,also look at Icon Audio,Rogue Audio,Raven Audio & a few others it will take a little digging to find...
my understanding is that the hegel h120 and h190 share the same dac implementation... i would get h190 if your budget can handle it as i have always felt having more power reserve is a good thing... well designed good sounding powerful amps have an ease to their presentation that is very appealing and easy to listen to
Thanks Freediver. I am certain that tubes arguably have a sweeter sound, but this thing will stay on for hours at a time and I want to be able to turn it on with a remote. Most of the tube amps I have seen need to be turned on from a physical switch on the unit. Needs to be warmed up etc.

i do appreciate the suggestions. I’ve heard of all those brands. Just think for my application, SS is the way to go.