Back to your wunderbar car again eh sokogear? Know this ditty?
Bitchin’ Camaro The Dead Milkmen
Bitchin’ Camaro, bitchin’ Camaro
Donuts on your lawn
Bitchin’ Camaro, bitchin’ Camaro
Tony Orlando and Dawn
When I drive past the kids
They all spit and cuss
’Cause I’ve got a bitchin’ Camaro
And they have to ride the bus
So you’d better get out of my way
When I come through your yard
’Cause I’ve got a bitchin’ Camaro
And an Exxon credit card
Bitchin’ Camaro, bitchin’ Camaro
Hey man where ya headed?
Bitchin’ Camaro, bitchin’ Camaro
I don’t want unleaded!
Bitchin’ Camaro The Dead Milkmen
Bitchin’ Camaro, bitchin’ Camaro
Donuts on your lawn
Bitchin’ Camaro, bitchin’ Camaro
Tony Orlando and Dawn
When I drive past the kids
They all spit and cuss
’Cause I’ve got a bitchin’ Camaro
And they have to ride the bus
So you’d better get out of my way
When I come through your yard
’Cause I’ve got a bitchin’ Camaro
And an Exxon credit card
Bitchin’ Camaro, bitchin’ Camaro
Hey man where ya headed?
Bitchin’ Camaro, bitchin’ Camaro
I don’t want unleaded!