I’d also suggest checking out tube amps if you’re looking for something different.
Interesting conundrum.
"as I figure it is what’s holding things back from a resolution standpoint. I moved a better DAC (PS Audio Direct Stream Junior) to the second system and it didn’t make a discernible difference given the existing gear."
So far self explanatory. Why would a DAC make any difference? Don’t they all sound virtually similar?
But then comes this,
"I then moved the Reva 3’s up to my reference system and plugged them in and they sounded wonderful!"
Now this suggests that the Arcam amp could have a fault or maybe faulty wiring?
"So it leads me to conclude that the CXA80 needs upgrading."
Not necessarily, unless it has fault of course.
All of the Arcam amplifiers I’ve heard, the 7pre/power and the 10 have never sounded less than fabulous.
So to avoid disappointment, before doing anything else I’d suggest switching just the Luxman down into the second system, and seeing if the result is still the same. Just to be certain you could also try the Arcam in your first system.
Should be an interesting and useful experiment for the long term.
I’d also suggest checking out tube amps if you’re looking for something different.
Interesting conundrum.
"as I figure it is what’s holding things back from a resolution standpoint. I moved a better DAC (PS Audio Direct Stream Junior) to the second system and it didn’t make a discernible difference given the existing gear."
So far self explanatory. Why would a DAC make any difference? Don’t they all sound virtually similar?
But then comes this,
"I then moved the Reva 3’s up to my reference system and plugged them in and they sounded wonderful!"
Now this suggests that the Arcam amp could have a fault or maybe faulty wiring?
"So it leads me to conclude that the CXA80 needs upgrading."
Not necessarily, unless it has fault of course.
All of the Arcam amplifiers I’ve heard, the 7pre/power and the 10 have never sounded less than fabulous.
So to avoid disappointment, before doing anything else I’d suggest switching just the Luxman down into the second system, and seeing if the result is still the same. Just to be certain you could also try the Arcam in your first system.
Should be an interesting and useful experiment for the long term.