Prima Lunacy? (SuperTubeClock)

I am planning on upgrading my tube amp when its current set of tubes start to go.  So I've been doing a bit of perusing online, and was really considering the Prima Luna integrated amps until I read about "the world's first tube-based data clocking device: the SuperTubeClock™"

Did I missing something or is this just about the most obvious snake oil sales job?  For what I am understand the Prima Luna Engineers are using a tube-based oscillator in lieu of a quartz crystal to generate the DAC chip clock signal.  Their blurb lists reduced jitter and noise as the advantages.  AFAIK the noise in a timing signal should be superfluous since it has two values 1 and 0, and anything in between (noise) is ignored.  If the clock signal "noise" is leaking into the final analog output, then there are big problems with the DAC chip.  With respect to jitter, I would expect the inaccuracies of a high-quality crystal oscillator to be measurable only in the nanosecond or picosecond range.  Can an analog-style oscillator really do better (and does it really matter)?

Another thing that stuck me is that the clock triode is soldered in, and there is mention of it lasting 5 - 10 years.  When it goes bad, do owners have to send their DACs to Prima Luna to be refitted with new - and possibly rare and otherwise unavailable - clock tubes?

Thoughts, anyone?
Own a Line Magnetic 518 integrated amp , very well built and very nice sounding.
Doesn't look like a sweat shop factory but if you have some other definitive evidence of such please post it
MC, again, it’s because you diss everything Chinese made when your beloved Melody amp is made there.  You must be the exception to the rule?  I am tired of you MAGA people blaming everything on China. China makes many excellent products, get over it.  
Isn’t it convenient to be able to make claims and assertions freely with no facts or evidence to back it up? Also call those who keep tabs on such fake  things fake? It’s a very popular pastime these days.
"All the people live and work in the same building."
How is that different from many people all around the world over the last few months?
Almarg, thank you for your response, but I still remain completely unconvinced about the value of the SuperTubeClock for the following reasons:

(1) I have never heard of another case where an analogue-type oscillator was deemed more precise than a quartz crystal oscillator. Analog oscillators are subject to some degree of thermal drift.

(2) In the PrimaLuna page there are nice scope images for the output of the SuperTubeClock at two frequencies, but they are not being compared to anything. Why do they not show the output of a high-quality crystal clock?

(3) Even if the SuperTubeClock were indeed more precise / less noisy than a crystal oscillator, then the clock of the ADC which captured source audio signal would have to use one as well for the SuperClock-timed DAC to have much value. If both the ADC and DAC clocks have jitter in some situations the "jitters" may cancel each other out!  But then they could add up as well, I guess.