Turntable and amp combination


i would like to put together a turntable and amp combination. While I know enough about the world of digital audio, know very little about the world of analog Audio. 
Have a large collection of vinyl records that my dad gave to me to begin with. 
Also have a paid of bookshelf speakers from Salk sound to begin with (scanspeak 5” woofer and Aircirc tweeter in MTM configuration). 
For all other parts I would like to ideally spend unde $2k-$3k. 
It would be great to get a few suggestions for what gear to buy. 
Yamaha makes nice integrateds for the money...and they have something to fit most price/quality ranges.  Personally like them in silverface va. black.
I don't pretend to be an expert but I'd recommend going with a tube based phono preamp.  I originally purchased a Lehmann SE Black solid state phono peamp but after several years I elected to upgrade my TT to a Clearaudio Concept and Satisfy Carbon tonearm  with a Van den Huul MC10 special edition cartridge.  I elected to also upgrade to a Jolida JD9 II tube phono stage and have been pretty happy with the results.
I too have Salk speakers (Songtowers).  And although my system has outgrown them...they sound better with every upgrade I've made...so they have survived...

Get an Audiolab 6000A intgegrated amp ($999). It has good enough analog (with phono) section and a great digital section.  This will be more than enough for your bookshelf speakers for the moment.

And yes, I vote for the Technics 1200GR ($1700).  You will pretty much blow every TT listed above with this and it will not limit you as your system grows. Spend more on the front end stuff. Also has a removable headshell...which gives you a lot more flexibility with regard to cartridges and...well...headshells.  Even today, Technics still has a head start on everyone else...and at this rate, no one is catching up any time soon..  You will probably not find a better TT at twice the GR price.
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