???Anyone Here UpGrade From Yaqin/Cayin/etc... To Another Tube Amp Considered Hi End???
Say something from Ayon,BAT,AR,Raven,Rogue,Unison etc.... Did you gain anything from the upgrade?Lower noise floor increasing low level resolution?Tighter more defined imaging & staging?Anything?
Well I found my dream amp & as soon as I can flip the Cayin & the Creek I'll be ordering the Icon Audio ST30SE,Class A Single Ended KT150 w/UL-Triode operation...Moving on up so sweet!
I owned a Jolida 502p amp for years and it worked beautifully, but when a Dennis Had Inspire "Firebottle" SEP (pentode) showed up as a barely used item on Ebay I jumped on it. I realized (even before switching to very efficient speakers) there really is something to the smaller single ended tube amp, and these Had amps, although somewhat rare due to Had's relatively tiny product output, are outstanding designs utterly handmade.
@devilboy Thanks for your detailed response. I apologize for misreading which amp you had. My bad. Either way, it sounds like your experience with Raven Audio left a bad taste in your mouth and that is unfortunate. My experience with them has been completely different so am hoping yours was an anomaly - no one wants that kind of bad press, with regard to their product or their customer service.
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