Scam or awesome deal

I was in the Bay area this weekend visiting and saw a craigslist ad just posted for a number of pieces of audio equipment from a remodel job. Selling as is for $200. Included a McIntosh MC7108 8 channel amp, a Denon high end receiver, a Panamax surge and another piece that was a high end zone selector. It was already 9pm and no phone number was listed so I sent an email. I hope someone here scored a great deal. Could have been a scam but the ad was deleted by author by afternoon of next day and items seemed to be pieces that would be installed together. 
Agreed on the likelihood of a scam, other than the fact it was deleted next day. I would assume the scammers leave things up for as long as possible. Either way, I didn’t need the extra stuff so it Is my hope someone that did scored some decent equipment. 
Well, two McIntosh MC7108 amps recently sold on eBay for $900. & $1450. , plus the 4 other pieces.
We moved to Arizona from the Bay Area. There is rarely anything worth considering in the Phoenix Craigslist. However, I do look through it occasionally. If I find anything of interest at a reasonable price, I usually look at the ad only to find that the attractive price is for the lowest quality item, and all others are inflated relative to the quality of those other items. The more you look, the more you just get used to it! It's not really false advertising, but it is misleading.