Streaming: WiFi or wired??

Looking to get a new streamer for a system based on Kii Three. WiFi signal is good but I’m also told that wired is always better. Specific streamer advice also welcomed; (no need to rip CD's). Thx in advance for any/all advice!
Also, with higher frequencies (at 5G) , your signal degrades quicker so distance becomes more of an issue. This is laws of physics and you just have to live with it.
This and the fact that higher frequencies penetrate walls poorly prevent interference from outside.  In addition on 2.4GHz band each channel is 3.5 channel wide, so in reality there are only 3 to 4 completely independent channels.  My microwave was on one of them causing dropouts, neighbor on another etc.  I've never had dropout, since I switched to 5GHz (less traffic, more channels etc).  With WiFi I don't have to worry about anything on computer side.  Receiver (Airport Express) has small jitter on digital output, but it is suppressed by the DAC (Benchmark DAC3).
@mlsstl, future proofing is a good point to bring up and one I really wasn't thinking about.
We live within a half mile of a major area hospital, which generally means a T3 level, who knows, who cares...*L*

Our net service is spectacular....wired locally, so our wireless within is great.

Just 'stupid lucky', I guess. *S*

Back in Houston, we lived about the same distance from a major software company, also T3 when it was rare.  We'd get calls about cable service; the one's that Knew what we had wished us well.  Those that didn't got told to 'go ask your sup what a T3 line Is' and get back to us'. *click*

They never did.

Got spoiled disgusting.  Entire complex had a LAN created by the management (a real geek); some tenants were early 'day traders' (you could tell the good ones by their car), some 24/7 'gamers' that slept on the floor, only there for the low latency.

Had a Fantastic trove of music files...10K+, pick your genre'.

It got busted.  A third of the tenants moved....*sigh*

We did as well later, but for different reasons....

I've run a number of devices including Bluesound Node 2 streamers over wireless using an inexpensive access point in my living room and configuring an inexpensive router as a repeater using DD-WRT in my bedroom, which is the farthest point from my router.  All worked great.  Until I got my TEAC NT-505.  I had all kinds of problems getting it to stay on my network.  I finally ran an ethernet cable to it and it has been rock solid ever since.  So the device you're using may matter.  I'm super happy with the NT-505 (now) and would recommend it.  But you should probably run a wire to it.

As mentioned throughout the thread, wireless introduces a lot of variables.  If wireless works, great.  If it's easy to run a wire, then do that and take all those variables out of the equation.