DCM TF-400 info wanted

I just picked a set of these up from our local CL. Guy said he was the original owner and they appear to be in excellent condition, although I haven't had a chance to hook them up yet.

I remember hearing about these years ago, but have very little knowledge of the speakers so I wanted to see if any of you are familiar with these and if so, I'd appreciate any info you can provide, i.e. when they were made, good equipment matches, etc. In general just wanting to find out what I can about the speakers.

I had a pair of the TF-350s back in the late 80s - mid 90s. I thought they were excellent speakers for the closeout price I paid at circuit city. Not the last word in dynamics or bass extension, but good all around performers. They have transmission line loaded bass and have surprising response for their size. I think you will like them.

I don't have 400's, but I still have a set of TF-700's that I use in an extra room. I run them with a Peachtree Decco and Squeezebox Touch and they still run fine. I was the original buyer, back in 1980'ish and they still sound amazing for what they are. The drivers seem to have held up very well for their age. I have also tried running them off of a McCormack DNA-225 I own and they also do well with that.

Good luck and happy listening....

Thanks for the responses so far. I hooked them up using my sons not so good Yamaha AV receiver and was very impressed. I've only listened briefly with FM radio, but like what I heard.

Do any of you know if these were supposed to be mirror imaged? If so, My pair has the logo on the inside of the cabinets, but when I look through the cloth I can see that both of the drivers are on the same side of the speaker. Do I have two of the same speakers or is this how they come. I can't hear any issues so I'm curious.
