Dedicated transport or CD player as transport?

My system is simple, Marantz 6006 as a transport to Denefrips Ares 2 DAC then on to a PrimaLuna integrated. I've been toying with the idea of a dedicated transport, but I'm not sure if there would be a SQ improvement worth the investment. The Marantz sounds pretty good by itself, but when I added the Ares 2, I like the sound better, its smoother/less digital/less bright. I've read some posts and reviews of dedicated transports, and some claim a noticeable improvement-better bass, more detail. The 2 transports I've been eyeing are these: Audiolab 6000CDT Dedicated CD Transport or the Cambridge CXC. Thanks for your input.
I am interested in the Denafrips transport also. Looks like price is $1695. 
Double check for yourself but I think on the website the price is quoted in  Singapore dollars so the $1695 is roughly $1200 US dollars
jl35 - does the cxc play CDR's? I have quite a few discs burned off my hard drive. Also what are the main improvements you heard with a dedicated transport?