What integrated should I upgrade to?

Hi folks,

Firstly, my apologies for yet another "what should I" post.  But I'd like to seek the advice of my Audiogon brethren.  

Currently, in my second system used mostly for TV viewing, I have a pair of Wharfedale Reva 3 floorstanding loudspeakers, a Cambridge Audio CXA80 integrated amp / DAC and an Auralic Aries Mini streamer.  Wired with transparent Music Link / Wave cables and Shunyata Hydra Talos conditioner and Voodoo Fire power cable to the CXA80.  

I've been itching to upgrade the integrated amp, as I figure it is what's holding things back from a resolution standpoint.  I moved a better DAC (PS Audio Direct Stream Junior) to the second system and it didn't make a discernible difference given the existing gear.  I then moved the Reva 3's up to my reference system and plugged them in and they sounded wonderful!  I've got a Luxman 590axII integrated in that system with the PS Audio Direct Stream Junior DAC.  The power foundation is nearly the same; using Shunyata Denali there.  

So it leads me to conclude that the CXA80 needs upgrading.  

I have been considering a nice used Luxman 550ax or trying the new PS Audio Strata integrated.  I kinda know what to expect with the Luxman.  The PS Audio would be a greater unknown, but has the nicety of everything in one box: DAC, Preamp, amp and streamer.  The money outlay will be more for the Luxman, but not a huge difference.  It will be used rather than new.  Though, I would need a cheapy DAC just to accept the optical from the TV.  

Thoughts on this?  
You should listen to Pass, Ayre and Luxman if you can.  Those three sound enough different that you are sure to have a preference.

Thanks Erik_squires!  I already have a Luxman 590axII, so well acquainted with the sound.  It's great!  I'm seriously considering a 550ax for my second system.  My concern is that, because I will leave it on for long durations (sometimes all day and night) that it will heat up my room quite a bit.  

So, I'm considering the following options, which I will also put dollar costs next too; since that is also an influencer.

1. Luxman 550ax (used) - $2925
2. Marantz KI PM Ruby (new openbox) - $1800
3. PS Audio Strata (new) - $2100
4. Do nothing and stick with my Cambridge CXA80 - $0

Of those four options.....easy choice. #1 all day.

If worried too much about class A heat, go with the corresponding 500-level Luxman class A/B
If you are worried about heat, switch over to the 509. :)

I just read somewhere that they are less warm, which for me was a good thing. :) I went from amps that were too warm and very happy with the 507.  Idle power is 86W vs. 170W for the 550. 
Thanks Erik.  I think the 509x is a bit too rich for me at this time. ;-). Especially in a "second system" that I use mostly for TV viewing.  

I was considering a 505uxII.  Hopefully one comes up on the used market soon.  I think it would be perfect for my needs / wants.