Dedicated transport or CD player as transport?

My system is simple, Marantz 6006 as a transport to Denefrips Ares 2 DAC then on to a PrimaLuna integrated. I've been toying with the idea of a dedicated transport, but I'm not sure if there would be a SQ improvement worth the investment. The Marantz sounds pretty good by itself, but when I added the Ares 2, I like the sound better, its smoother/less digital/less bright. I've read some posts and reviews of dedicated transports, and some claim a noticeable improvement-better bass, more detail. The 2 transports I've been eyeing are these: Audiolab 6000CDT Dedicated CD Transport or the Cambridge CXC. Thanks for your input.
Just my opinion but would you gain that much better sound for the money?  You have pretty good components so would the CA CXC be that much better than your Marantz 6006?  Would you be better off selling the DAC and moving up the line?
"Just my opinion but would you gain that much better sound for the money? You have pretty good components so would the CA CXC be that much better than your Marantz 6006? Would you be better off selling the DAC and moving up the line?"

Good thought, but I like the Ares 2 DAC just fine. I keep reading that the dedicated transports have more clarity, better bass, lower noise, etc. It makes sense to me that they would, however, I've never tried one.
you could probably buy a used CXC for about the same as you could sell your Marantz for...and Cambridge often sells factory direct refurbished CXC's for a great price...
To my mind the Cambridge and Audiolab are little more than traditional CD-players with the DAC left out, whose design is based on older players that both companies made.  To get a truly dedicated transport, I think you need to step up a little further.  To Denafrips or Jays or something in that bracket.
The new Audiolab transport has gotten great reviews and is about the cost of the CXC. Maybe worth investigating. I have not tried it myself.