Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy?

Have been a SET guy for so long I have forgotten what a good SS amp even sounds like.
Just bought a pair of $33k speakers that will replace my current $16k speakers. Both are from the same designer and both are 92db and a flat 8 ohms. The new ones arrive in 4 days!
My 300B based amps well drive my current speakers even though I do use the system nightly as a 2 channel home theater. Especially considering the HT usage, I think I may enjoy a SS amp with many times the horsepower. The speaker designer suggests using a Leema Hydra II. I have written to Leema telling them of my 300B preference and they assure me that their amp does not have the destructive harmonics that make a SS amp bright. There must be other SS amps that can satisfy?
Hi everyone

I to am very interested in hearing the LTA amps. As you all probably know, these are all David Bernings designs implemented by Linear Tube Audio at much more reasonable price points. David Berning is a brilliant designer and engineer who has been granted a patent for his ZOTL design and really thinks outside the box. 

The other name brand that has mentioned in this thread is Valvet. Every time I look at the pictures inside these amps and see the simplicity of the build quality and how few parts are being used I want to hear them. 

This is actually developing into really good thread.I suspect a lot of the posters here really do have good sounding systems.And I am not talking in the "hi fi" sounding sense.And that is perhaps what is great about SETs.I know that if I am going to listen to a system using a good a SET I know I am likely to hear some great music.Not just some soulless "audiophile " pap.Perhaps another way of rephrasing the original title could be-"If you like SETs what other amplifiers do you also enjoy listening to" .In my case it is the Bakoons.Indeed that is exactly how I would describe them.Which does not mean they sound exactly like a good SET.They don't but they have the musical essence of a really good SET. But I am sure there are others and it is great to hear about them.
I'd like to try a Bakoon against my Valvet/Passxa25/First Watt Sit 1 + 3 etc....problem is they are almost impossible to re-sell due to their lack of a following here in the USA. So its a REAL Gamble investing in one without auditioning. Im going to assume you also cant get a 20+% Discount off the MSRP because of the limited # of dealers. I am sure they sound absolutely wonderful.
David Berning is a brilliant designer and engineer who has been granted a patent for his ZOTL design and really thinks outside the box.
This is the only amplifier with I will replace my 2 Sansui...

I read a lot about....The only new complete transformation of the tube amplifier for the last 50 years it seems....