Which is the most important part of a stereo system?

My system consists of a pair of B&W 630's, an old Denon 50 watt reciever (DRA-550) from the mid 80's, a Marantz CD5004 cd player, and now a Pro-ject Debut Carbon DC Turntable.  I'm pleased with the speakers and the cd player and while the Denon sounds good it has some issues and I want to upgrade.

I'm planning on returning the Pro-ject TT and getting a higher end TT.  I'm also looking into getting a new amp pre amp with a internal DAC.

Is the source the most important? The speakers? 

Please Help!
Your Ears.
7 years ago this answer would make me cold.....Now it seems the most clear revelation from my last years journey in audio with the experiments about embeddings an audio system...

Speakers+Room+ Ears are ONE......
Your subconscious. Final answer. The one variable you can’t control. 😳
Your subconscious largely composed of memories also happens to be the most unreliable part of the sonic equation.

Yet it is the one most targetted by advertising and marketing. You will see these attempts everywhere.

There are even some here on AG who seem do little other than constantly attempt to slyly divert some of the available revenue stream towards their own direction.

Nothing can beat real time listening and comparison. Everyone knows this and anybody who has done so will also know that loudspeakers make the greatest sonic difference.

No two sound alike or even close.

Not even when tested under controlled blind listening conditions.

Which other component can you say the same for?
Your subconscious. Final answer. The one variable you can’t control. 😳
Too deep to be attented and controlled in my first 7 years of audio experiments for sure...This is the information field.....But I think that you know that.... :)

I think that this variable cannot be controlled the way the others  embedding's variables can be, but it is possible to create bridges that will open more the mind toward a better reception of the information... I will attempt it someday....
Everything matters, however, my observations have led me to feel that a preamp can make or break a system.