Avantgarde Uno's Or Klipsch La Scala MKII

Has anyone had the oppertunity to compare Uno's to the newer La Scala MKII's with good associated gear and set up properly? Is the Klipsch even comparable with modified cross overs & after market drivers?
La Scalas where designed for sound reinforcement. I find many EV Altecs JBL to be far better performing and usually far less in cost. Buying a new La Scalas crazy too me for the best models where built in the 60s. A model 19 Altec will trounce a La Scala. As will most Altec models. Having owned modified collected and designed loudspeakers for decades I feel my opinion is well grounded by real experience I have owned these loudspeakers if that matters.
Br3098. You are not alone. I responded to another recent post by Renmeister. As far as Johnk is concerned, I take nothing away from his experiences, opinions and technical back ground. I take nothing away from anyone who does not like Lascalas, or, horns for that matter. We are all men/women with ears. We are all "looking for something" in our pursuit of nirvana. I have 40 plus years involved in this hobby, as well as my livelihood for many of them. For a "sound reinforcement" speaker to find its way into many homes over the years, by folks like you and me, and many musicians and other music listeners/audiophiles I have known over the years, shows the versatility and excellent design of the Lascala. I really like the statement by Bill Lowe of Audioquest: "To do less harm". I make the point of saying " To each his own " . Let us all enjoy !
I value all your opinions and thank you for taking the time. It's difficult purchasing new speakers. I had closed my mind to the possibility of horns until I listened emotionaly as opposed analytical. Not something I do to often. I believe this was a result of the speakers. I can't afford the Avantgarde with the half horn bass cabinet. They sell for $50K with no U.S. distributor. I don't have that kinda cash nor would I ever purchase a product with out recourse.
Renmeister, you can get Avantgardes without the Basshorns for circa $20K new (Unos) or used Duos for a similar outlay. They are a long-established German company and mine have been trouble-free for the 8+ years I've owned them.