Are these Speakers the BEST on Planet Earth ?...

Are the new Kii Audio Three BXT Pro Speakers the best money can buy ?
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Are these Speakers the BEST on Planet Earth ?...

     My name is Yuck! from the planet Yikes!  I'm a 7 foot bipedal very smelly cockroach creature that constantly oozes disgusting greenish yellow slime out of various bodily orifices, thus my name Yuck!  
     Our species has 8 times the number of ears and about 10 times the brainpower as you silly, stupid, puny, scrawny, backwards but delicious little earthlings.  
     Our technology and speakers are lightyears ahead of yours. Marketing a pair of speakers as 'the best on planet Earth' is considered extremely faint praise and would likely cause most of us to erupt into fits of uncontrollable giggling, which earthlings would perceive as very loud, high pitched screaming with a large dose of odd order harmonics.
   You pathetic, dim-witted, worthless little earthlings don't have a clue.

 Whatever Mr Cox’s goal; he hit it out of the park, with the SVT.
Yes- a real classic.
Only your ears will tell you if these speakers sound better than every other speaker on earth. 

I can;t imagine why anyone would waste time with a $40K pair of speakers when they could get the WAMMs for $685K :-). Of course, I'm staying with my 30-year old Cabasse Galiotes...
