How to accurately gauge speaker sensitivity to match with tube amp?

I'm in the process of matching speakers to my amplifier and need a bit of advice. Most recently, I'm trying Focal 936 towers with my Quicksilver Mono 60w amp. They were sounding pretty decent until I experimented by hooking up my old Adcom 535L amp. All of a sudden, there was a giant jump in control, tautness in the bass, quickness in transients. The QS stuff was doing quite decently, but the Adcom really snapped these towers to attention. The mids and high ends, not to mention the soundstage, were worse with the Adcom — no question. But there was quite a difference with the other qualities just mentioned.

My question becomes one of sensitivity. The Focals self-rated as 92 db. Stereophile rated them as 89.5db. I realize that these are average measurements and a much bigger picture is told by the impedance graph (and other factors).

As I continue to search for the right match of speaker (I have a couple contenders), I'm sure one piece of advice is to look for speakers with higher sensitivity averages. But what else should I look for to help make a guesstimate about whether the amp will drive the speakers with the kind of control they are capable of? [Specs for this amp are here: ]

I realize I need to hear speakers, in my house, with my gear, etc. to get a sense of them. I’m working in exactly this way. Your advice can help me eliminate candidate speakers that would pose similar challenges to my amp as these Focals have.

And I just bought the amp, so I don't want to change it.

Thank you for any thoughts. 

P.S. Anyone who has has had great success with this amp or similar, please shout it out.


Dont know your budget but you may want to check out the Golden Ear line of towers. I drive my Golden Ear Triton R1's with 50 watts of tube power which proves more than enough. Most GE speakers have a high spl (mine are 92 spl) and are equipped with class D power amps to handle the bass (each of the Triton R1's are equipped with a 1600 w  class D amp.) This allows relatively low powered amps to easily drive the mid range and higher without strain. Well regarded line of speakers.

Adcom amps typically have a very high damping factor.  They are not necessarily the "sweetest" or "smoothest" on the upper-mid and top-end range, but they definitely drive hard and make for some impressive bass control.  A high damping factor will provide very good control of the bass drivers.  That is the very taught bass experience that you described.  I clicked on the link you provided for your amp and read through the specs.  It indicates that your amp has a damping factor of 20.  If the printed specs are accurate that is a very low damping factor and is likely the reason your speakers sounded as you experienced.  

I don't mean to burst your bubble on that amp, but that is what I see in their specs and that is what I understand (and have experienced many times) with a low damping factor.  If you really wish to keep that amp then a different set of speakers is likely in order.  Some of the options and choices mentioned above certainly make good sense.

I wish you good luck in your quest.  Be safe and be healthy.
@mammothguy No bubble burst; I knew their on-paper damping factor but reports about their abilities were pretty positive. And they do a very good job, but I’m totally experimenting with speaker choices here and it cost me nothing to learn something. But I think that damping factor and these speakers provides something of a data point going forward. Appreciate your thoughts and please take care.
Again, David, keep in mind that the QS’s damping factor is higher than it is for many and I’m pretty certain most high quality tube amps. Assuming the spec is accurate, for the 4 ohm tap a damping factor of 20 means an output impedance of 4/20 = 0.2 ohms, not too far from solid state territory.

Although many audiophiles believe differently, Ralph ( @atmasphere ) and some other technically knowledgeable members (e.g. @kijanki) have explained in past threads that no speaker in existence requires a damping factor greater than the mid to high double digits, and perhaps even lower. Perceived differences in bass response and control between damping factors of say 100 and 2000 are due to other differences in the designs of the amplifiers, IMO and theirs.

Best regards,
-- Al