Experience with Inakustik 3500P Power Conditioner??

I'm looking at obtaining a power conditioner and had my sights set on an Akiko Corelli when an Inakustik 3500P got my attention.  I have found only one reference to the 3500P on Agon while there is some notable props on the Corelli here.  

Thanks for any experience you might be willing to share.

@rareace I think both sides to this issue have stated their position very clearly.

So now I'm curious: is the 3500 providing for your system the kind of sonic improvement that just about everyone else on this thread has reported, or did your experience with the issue carry over to your listening impressions of the unit?

@twoleftears From a SQ perspective there wasn't much of any change to my ears.
However, more importantly my Line Magnetic amp is now MUCH quieter. It used to idle very erratically in regards to transformer hum. I literally thought there was something wrong with my amp. With the polarity now fixed my the amp is very silent AND consistent.
I'd recommend everyone with a 3500P to do a polarity check which only costs about $5 for the meter. 
Hi Alex,

out of curiosity, how difficult was it for your electrician to correct? Was it just switching two wires attached with screw-terminals, or something more complex (soldering etc)? Thanks!

p.s. I haven't checked my unit yet as I need to pull my rack away from the wall, but I'll check as soon as I get a chance.
@dvdboulet It was very easy and no soldering required. Just need to remove the screws and slide the top plate off the unit. The IEC AC Inlet connecters are clipped in so it was a simple swap and we were done.
From a SQ perspective there wasn't much of any change to my ears.
@rareace,You posted earlier that the unit was everything that the users on this forum had mentioned before. Wondering what happened now? The polarity on my unit is correct and I hear nice improvements.Also, how did you find about the polarity issue at a later date? I would have thought that you would have found that on day 1. Something like "in phase" and "out of phase" recording. Also, it looks like you have deleted the posts where you mention that you opened the unit. And this appears to be AFTER Bob asked you to send it back to him, with Bob paying the shipping both ways. I would never open even a cheap equipment which is so new and in warranty - especially if the dealer is ready to fix it free with shipping paid both ways.
Let me shoot straight Alex - something does not add up here. I just hope that your polarity issue is fixed and things are fine. Sometimes when we email and communicate, things do not "seem" to others what we intend to say. This leads to miscommunication. I hope that this was a simple case of miscommunication between you and Bob.