solid state amp for merlin tsm's ?

I am thinking of ordering a pair of merlin tsm's, they will be used in a seperate 2 channel setup for music , I would like to use a solid state amp with them and am looking for sugestions, also, I could integrate my subs with them and am looking for advice on this also, thanks
Ditto on the Totems being bright to my ears. Though it's always important to remember that this is a VERY subjective issue. All speakers have specific colorations. The trick is to discover the speaker that sounds "right" to your ears.

PS: I recently heard the GMA Eos HD....a fine speaker, but I was even more thrilled with my TSM's when I returned home.
Has anyone tried mating the Luxman 505u with the Merlin TSM-MMi's? Any experience would be GREATLY appreciated. I currently am running tubes but want an amp that I can just leave on for long periods of time.
The Luxman is definitely on the radar, I do wonder if any Merlin owners have actually tried; I suspect few.
Silly me. I was thinking of replacing my beloved but nearly 30 year old pair of KEF Reference 104/2s with a pair of TSM MMi, to be driven by my Proceed Amp 3 or HPA-3. The last time I balanced tubes was when I was a grad student working in a psychoacoustics lab that had a dozen or so MC-60s. What a PITA that was. Guess I'll stick with the 104/2s tell one of them dies.

I've tried my TSM-MXe's with a Luxman L80-V and Adcom GFA5400 / Adcom GTP-450 and they sounded very good in both cases. The integrated I am using now, and prefer, is the Rogue Cronos Magnum, which is a tube amp.