I'm definitely trying to look at all options available. The only dealers here around Des Moines have some lower end ones, the same Marantz and a McIntosh. That's about the extent of it. So my only way to learn anything is to read and hear from people with some experience with some other options that would be in the budget. So that's why I came here. 😁
Looking to upgrade from a Marantz tt15 to something vpi?
Here is my current situation. I am trying to build a system that I will have for quite a while and stop trying to upgrade all the time. My current system is a pair of focal electra 1038 be speakers, primaluna DiaLogue premium HP amp and premium preamp, and a Fosgate signature phono preamp for my analog along with the Marantz tt15 and the clearaudio virtuoso cartridge. I have always liked the looks of the vpi tables and have considered them but always out of my reach. My Marantz tt15 just doesn't match all of my black gear and I know it's stupid, but it bugs me. So I was looking at a vpi aries black night with some upgrades and it would be about a grand more than I could sell mine for. I'm mainly just looking used to try and find as good of a deal as possible. I will be looking in the 3 grand or less range and just wondering how much I would notice in quality improvement over the Marantz table if I spent another grand or two trying to get a better one. I have a like new denon 103r cartridge sitting around that I could use on a new table until I could get an even better one. Any suggestions are more than welcome. Thanks
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- 12 posts total
I bought a Super Prime Scout with the Soundsmith Otello cartridge and I could not be happier. It is an awesome turntable, and the on-the-fly VTA is awesome. I cobbled together my system for under $6K using the New VPI, A Threshold NS10 Preamp, Parasound HCA-800II, and I just hooked up a pair of Snell J3’s; the ones sitting on ebay for ever, can’t believe it. Those Snells are the Cherry on the whole system but my VPI Super Prime Scout is the heart. Gorgeous sound, great looks. Great value. I’m a huge fan and believer. |
I'm getting a sense that you are looking for a new toy, but if your only issue is the color, I looked around a bit and saw that frosted acrylic can be painted. Maybe you could just have the plinth painted black? https://www.acmeplastics.com/content/how-to-paint-on-frosted-acrylic-plastic-panels/#:~:text=The%20best%20kind%20of%20paint,sponge%2C%20to%20name%20a%20few. |
- 12 posts total