AJ-you’re doing so many changes at once, it’s hard to determine what improves the sound.
I’d be interested to hear (if you can break it out individually) if the P10 is worth the 80% increase over the P8. When I went to the P8 from the P5, I upgraded the arm first and was amazed. When I swapped tables after some deep thought, it sounded a little better, it was subtle,but it has a couple nice features (better designed dust cover, better wiring, better PSU) so I don’t regret it. I don’t think there are any new features on the P10, so make sure it sounds noticeably better. I would bet that whatever the improvement, it would be 80-90% due to the new RB3000 arm.
I’d be interested to hear (if you can break it out individually) if the P10 is worth the 80% increase over the P8. When I went to the P8 from the P5, I upgraded the arm first and was amazed. When I swapped tables after some deep thought, it sounded a little better, it was subtle,but it has a couple nice features (better designed dust cover, better wiring, better PSU) so I don’t regret it. I don’t think there are any new features on the P10, so make sure it sounds noticeably better. I would bet that whatever the improvement, it would be 80-90% due to the new RB3000 arm.