Buying a new TT today

So I’m pretty hellbent on buying a new TT today! Or should I be?!?!? 
I started off kind of sour on vinyl several years back when I ignorantly bought a cheap TT that had a built in phono stage.... Talk about a disappointment! And a buzz kill for vinyl!
Anyway a year or so later I bought a Project Carbon Debut and it blew my mind!!!!  The step up in most aspects of the TT, carbon fiber tone arm/heavier plinth/much heavier platter/motor and remote position/better cartridge in a Ortofon m2red, along with the fact the it was now running through my Integrated’s Phono Stage was just such a leap in sound that I never expected, that now I’m looking for yet another leap like that again lol
Anyway, with pocket flush with cash and headed to two hi-fi shops I pause....
In my new price range, $2,000 or so, should I be looking for a new TT? Or a new cartridge for the TT I have ?
AJ-you’re doing so many changes at once, it’s hard to determine what improves the sound.

I’d be interested to hear (if you can break it out individually) if the P10 is worth the 80% increase over the P8.  When I went to the P8 from the P5, I upgraded the arm first and was amazed. When I swapped tables after some deep thought, it sounded a little better, it was subtle,but it has a couple nice features (better designed dust cover, better wiring, better PSU) so I don’t regret it. I don’t think there are any new features on the P10, so make sure it sounds noticeably better. I would bet that whatever the improvement, it would be 80-90% due to the new RB3000 arm.

I hear you and i have no idea if the P10 is worth it. Its actually one 50 percent with the same Alpheta cartridge. But still.  I read the reviews and the youtube videos and its intoxicating lol. So im like what's another $2k.   I know at some point I need to upgrade my speakers but thats another story. 
I don't always agree with everything that chakster says but I'm in agreement with his views on this. Get a new Technics, don't get on the Rega merry-go-round or some other table that is in need of constant upgrading.
The turntables most basic requirement is to hold speed. Most belt drive TT have issues with that, some are so poor they won't even list specs on it.
My personal favorites are the older JVC/Victor QL-7, QL-8 or QL-10 tables. But I understand if you want to buy new.
The engineers have told me that it really depends how much you want to spend. To get a quality direct drive that limits vibration due to the motor being directly underneath, you need to spend at least $3k, if not $5k.   Originally I was way under that, under $2k and was told by everyone ( and i mean the real scientists and dealers that carry both), hands down belt drive over direct drive at that price point.  It's worth revisiting for me now...
Wojo - there is no Rega merry go round. You must be thinking of Linn. Their LP12 has an option list like a Porsche. I've heard 

Rega is pretty clear- with each rung up the ladder you get a better arm (usually) a better power supply (usually) and better platter (I think always). Cartridges are separate, but packaged with a discount. I don't buy the Rega cartridges, because they would be better with a Rega phono stage, and I p/refer flexibility.

AJ - Excluding cartridges, P8 is $3100 and P10 is $5700. Even if you can get the dealer to give you all your money back from the P8, it's still $2600 more, not $2K. I know, it's the round down factor when you're buying as opposed to the round up factor when you are selling. Please let me know if you do it and your thoughts.

I wanted to keep my total out of pocket below $10K. If I ever want a very noticeable improvement, I know I will probably have to spend another $10K or more (electrostatics, subwoofer, more amp(s), P10 or Linn LP12, Lyra or Koetsu or upgraded Van den hul cartridge & phono stage) so if I can get an audible improvement under $1K at this level, I'll do it. All depends on your philosophy and how the law of diminishing returns affects you.

Now when I do get something new, it's with the mindset that I am done "for now". My amp is 15 years old, cartridge 8 1/2 (will need an overhaul or replacement within a year or so), table is a little over a year old, and when I discovered how much a phono stage would help, I got the Sutherland Insight with Linear Power Supply a month or two ago. I didn't even know how important this was until this damn virus unfortunately (or fortunately) has given me more time to think about my system and look at the Audiogon site, and discover that this was a giant step over the Phono stage in my Plinius amp that has a switch inside between MC and MM. I had always thought that it either has a phono stage or it doesn't. Furthest thing from the truth.