How to read speaker sensitivity rating?

When reading the sensitivity rating on speaker specs, does a lower number mean the speaker is easier to drive than a speaker with a higher number? Such as a speaker rated 78 db would be easier to drive than a speaker rated 102 db?

Yes, those are the exact specs that I used, which is why this
whole thread started. I bi-amp my Kappa 9's with four 900
wpc @ 4 ohm monoblocs. I did not understand what those specs
meant, but I do know that they looked very similar to the
specs that I read on the Zu Dominance. It was mentioned that
the Zu Dominance was being driven with authority by a 20 watt
tube amp. The Kappa 9 would vaporize a 20 watt tube amp.
The Kappa 9 specs posted on the web are what I've been using
as a comparison chart when considering other speakers. So,
all I've needed to know all along was that those Kappa 9
specs posted on the web are wrong.
Yes, they are certainly incorrect. I wonder if they meant to write "102db MAX SPL at rated input". You certainly would not want to torture most 20 watt tube amps trying to drive the Kappa 9's at moderate listening levels, not to mention what the distortion would do to those ribbon tweeters when the amp starts clipping!
Typo. Another company spec sheet, if accurate.[]
Plus, how many companies recommend a minimum of 60 wpc amp? That should tell you something.