What are the best CD Player around $3500?

currently using Mcintosh ma6900 and a Jm labs electra926 looking for a new cd player to upgrade from my old one
here are my list? classe cdp100, cary 303-300, merridian g08, ayre cx7 if anyone have any comment are welcome
The Resolution Audio Opus 21, at your exact price point.

It is one of the better CDPs around.

I personally have only heard one CDP I liked better and it was the Audio Aero Capitole II, and at $9500, I had better have liked it better!

Good Luck in your search!
I just broke-in my Cary 303/300 and I love it, even with the stock tubes. Art Dudley's review will appear in October's Stereophile. Not familiar with the others, though.
Dont know anything about your MA6900, but your JM speakers are definately capable when driven by a bit better of a player.

For about $2500 you can get into a Wadia 850, or for the $3500 you can get into a Wadia 860. You can probably get into the one piece Levinson box for that as well. All of those units use more modern drives should you require service.
I also vote for the Cary 303/300. I have it for about 8 months now, changing the tubes / being able to swithch the the solid state output and the upsampleing is a lifesaver for tayloring the sound to different types of music and cables. I can't live with out it now.
I agree with the Resolution Audio opinion for new but I bought a used Audio Aero Capitole for $3500. Magical player.