Impressions: $1k-$2k integrated amps

Hi there!

Id like to start a thread to collect impressions from about about integrated amps in the $1k - $2k range (new or used). 
How would you describe the character of the sound? How did it “pair” with other items in your rig? Most important, how did it compare with other amps in this category/on this list. 

This is not exhaustive but here’s a starting point:

Belles Aria

Yamaha a-s1100

Yanaha a-s2100 (used)

AVA SET 120 Control 

Anthem i225

Primare i21

Primare i22

Moon by Sim Audio 240i (used)

Rega Elex-R

Marantz PM8006

Thanks for the thoughtful insight guys!  Love the Primare, Anthem and Yamaha impressions - these are just what I’m looking to gather. 
Regarding Speakers, I have a few:

Wharfedale Diamond 10.7
Rega R5 (With RS tweeter)
Rega RS1
Wharfedale Diamond 220
KEF Q100

they are all pretty flexible IME so far. 

Wait for a NAD unit with a Purifi amp module. The only one so far is the NAD Masters Series M33 at $5K (I think). Do some searches here on Purifi.
With the exception of the KEF, and the Diamond 220's, I’ve listened to all of the above with Primare.
The speaker I thought went best with the Primares is not on your list.
Both the original Studio 100’s and the Response D2 by Proac brought forth more of the Primare capabilities in my mind.
There is also the rumor that Stewart Tyler of Proac may have voiced a line of Proacs with Primare stuff.
Original Studio 100’s can be had in the $1200 range. The new Studio 100’s are not the same speaker.
I had the primare.  It sounded really good at first, very clean and punchy, but I never felt like listening for very long. Not fatigue, just boredom. Wasn't very engaging.

The Yamahas are really great all-arounders, but left me wanting more detail.

I have the moon 240i now. Its absolutely incredible! Clean, good low end, non-fatiguing. At 50 watts, I am left wanting more power, so will either add a moon power amp or move to one of their more powerful integrated. Highly recommended.