What's the best CD and/or multiplayer today

Just got notice that my long awaited Spectral 4000 will soon be available - at $15,000! CD only. Any suggestions for alternatives at or below that price range?
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Dodson DA-218 DAC with a really good transport. This dac sounds terrific. Liquid smooth with great extension and deep soundstaging. Best piece of digital gear I ever heard. $8000.00
Jack, if TRL can improve the mighty P70/D70 for $550, my hat's off to them. I auditioned an original unmodified pair last November in Toronto with an exceedingly hard-nosed vinyl-man friend of mine, and he told me that was the very first time he was not pining for his black LPs.
And you are perfectly right: who cares about the color of a cat, provided it kills 'em mice. . . on the other hand. . . I am positive calicos do 'em in much more better! Saluti, Guido
Onn a more sober note, it is worth remembering that Teac America appears to warrant only untampered players purchased first hand from a qualified Esoteric dealer. I fear that any modification, from any source may very well void the manufacturer's warranty. No prob for a 2nd hand P70/D70 which would be already out of warranty by definition. . . but modifying a new one? Auch!
Guido: I agree with your concerns about the warranty, although I've never heard of an Esoteric warranty issue. (Not like a Sony SACD player, for example). Never the less, I'd be concerned, too, although I'd probably take the chance anyway.

I'd be less inclined to take the chance if I hadn't already heard the benefits of modifiying. Stock they are a little thin and the stage is monophonic, by comparison.

I admit, it would be a tough call.

