Lumin T2 burn in time?

Hi, I just got a Lumin T2 streamer 3 days ago, and have been playing it continuously for 3 days.   So far I think the sound is pretty good.  Great details with excellent spaciousness.   However, I find the bass to be a little bit thin.   I'm comparing this to my current Cambridge Audio 851N streamer.   The Lumin is 3x the price of the 851N.

My question for you Lumin owners - how long of a burn in period are you giving your streamer/dac before it reaches its optimal sound?  and do you think the bass will improve with the burn in?   

Overall I do like the sound, but if the bass department doesn't improve, it would be a show stopper for me.   Another thing I wished I had known before purchasing this unit is the lack of remote control.   The Lumin App is not bad, but the lack of basic control via an infrared remote is a real bummer.    I'm not looking for full fledged feature set from a remote, just basic rewind, forward, start, and stop.   It saves me the hassle of opening my phone every time to perform these simple tasks.   

Anyway thanks in advance!
Thanks @rossb It’s good know burning in does improve the sound.   i’m keeping my hopes up.  
A lot of people on other audiophile sites such as AudioShark claim they think it provides for an even better sound. By using Leedh, You put your preamp in unity gain and control the volume using the Lumin app.  By doing this, it basically takes the preamp out if the chain.  Many claim it sounds like a veil has been lifted and is even more clear.  I have tried it but not sure if I can tell a difference.
Hi xcool.I’m from LUMIN and I just wanted to add a little info.

Firstly LUMIN is manufactured by Pixel Magic Systems and is totally independent of any other company. The LUMIN App is our creation. Esoteric, TEAC and others licence the App from us to use with their streaming products.

iOS is our primary development platform. It is very stable on iPhone and iPad.
If instability exists, please try a restore - this cleanly installs all apps and can resolve some issues. The only performance requirement is regarding cache. LUMIN App is unique in it’s local storage of album artwork - for large libraries with high resolution artwork, this can require quite a bit of storage - most devices have large storage these days, but our App works back to older devices too (when storage might only be 16GB), so it’s worth bearing in mind.

Android is trickier, as there are far more variations between vendors and Android implementations. Testing is much harder, but we believe we have now reached a level of stability that should provide trouble-free playback for most. Again, the app is quite sophisticated in it’s interactions with the device, so clean systems are beneficial.

Because we use the OpenHome standard (UPnP AV) for streaming, for people who don’t get along with our app for playback you can also use other UPnP apps such as Kazoo, BubbleUPnP and others. Some are free.
LUMIN App is required for changing system settings and for firmware upgrades, but playback can be achieved with any of these apps.

Regarding burn-in. We get a broad spread of customer opinions on this, but we seem to have settled on advising about a week of 24/7 playing using a playlist on repeat containing a variety of music resolutions before critical analysis. Your amplifier doesn’t need to be on during this time, so it can be done silently overnight.
We have reports of improvements after even longer than that, but certainly the first couple of hundred hours is worthwhile.

Hope that helps.