Borresen Acoustics Speakers - Have you heard them & what did you think?

Borresen Acoustics have recently launched three models of loudspeaker.   The chief designer is ex-Raidho Acoustics.  Just wondering whether anyone heard or auditioned them and if so what were your impressions?  When commenting please let us know what loudspeakers you have today as this provides a useful point of reference.   
What do you guys think if i purchase a Gryphon Mephisto stereo instead of CH M1.1stereo to drive Borresen 03s ?
Hi guys i'll be getting either new 03s or if possible to find a good deal on a demo pair of 05s.Will drive them with Gryphon Mephisto stereo.I think this pairing hasn't been done yet.Anyone own 05s on Audiogon ?Cheers.