First, I'm pretty certain that the factory warranty for REF 110 amps is long past.
Second, this is a clear example of us needing to do our homework before purchasing. a quick initial inquiry to Audio Research before purchasing would tell one whether a REF 110 amp was offered as an SE model. It also would address the use of KT150 tubes.
Third, most Audio Research amps were not designed to accommodate KT150 Tubes. This has absolutely nothing to do with allowing customers to tube roll. It had to do with some pretty extensive modifications to equipment to allow for the extra power handling capabilities of KT150 tubes. Transformer upgrades are one thing that the REF250 amps required among other things.
Since KT150 tubes didn't exist at the time the original amp was designed/built, it is hard to blame Engineers for not allowing for the amp to be used with KT150 tubes. You design around certain parameters. It can't be open ended designs.
The REF 110 amp in and of itself is a very nice amp, even to today's standards. If Audio Research tells you that it is okay to use KT150 tubes in it, that is great. However, I do have an issue with the "dealer" telling you that it was upgraded to SE status. Since upgrading to SE status for most Audio Research Amps took way more than just changing tubes.
Second, this is a clear example of us needing to do our homework before purchasing. a quick initial inquiry to Audio Research before purchasing would tell one whether a REF 110 amp was offered as an SE model. It also would address the use of KT150 tubes.
Third, most Audio Research amps were not designed to accommodate KT150 Tubes. This has absolutely nothing to do with allowing customers to tube roll. It had to do with some pretty extensive modifications to equipment to allow for the extra power handling capabilities of KT150 tubes. Transformer upgrades are one thing that the REF250 amps required among other things.
Since KT150 tubes didn't exist at the time the original amp was designed/built, it is hard to blame Engineers for not allowing for the amp to be used with KT150 tubes. You design around certain parameters. It can't be open ended designs.
The REF 110 amp in and of itself is a very nice amp, even to today's standards. If Audio Research tells you that it is okay to use KT150 tubes in it, that is great. However, I do have an issue with the "dealer" telling you that it was upgraded to SE status. Since upgrading to SE status for most Audio Research Amps took way more than just changing tubes.