What's the "worst" cdp for the money?

OK, we've seen much input on the best cdp for the money. Now how about we collect opinions on the worst value cdp's out there? You know, like a $3000 player that sounds like a $300 player.
Without question or equal,, the Shanling CDT 100
Scarey bad! Its a shame something to beautiful can sound so bad,, my computer drive is better!
I took home for a weekend audtion the reference, top of the line Naim CDP that sells for $13000.00. The audtion lasted one and a half days because I and my girlfriend found it's sound so annoying and unpleasant we could not take it any more! No, it was not broke and was fully broken in and warmed up. So, it just was not bad, but a "bad joke" for 13 grand. Sorry Naim owners, no offense, I just don't get the virtues other's hear in Naim gear.