Recommendations for fast sounding cables

I've recently acquired a SEP amp based on kt88's and while it presents well in many ways it lacks the speed of my push-pull and ss amps which is typical.  Thus I'm looking for some nice and well rounded sounding speaker cables (non-biwire) and interconnects (single-ended) that excel in speed, tempo, PRAT, whatever you wanna call it to try to get some of the head nodding and toe-tapping back.  Transparency, detail, open soundstage are basic requisites as well.  I would also consider maybe changing out my psu umbilical cord, usb, and digital coax.  I understand that this will likely involve some or all silver in the makeup of the cables, and while I like a lit-up sound- an overly bright anything will usually get quickly replaced.  The budget is not high at $100-$300 new or used but may make considerations for something exceptional that fits the bill. I've gathered that some of the following may work- please feel free to comment on those as well, but I would also like to get some more suggestions.  Thanks!

Mapleshade Double Helix
DH Labs Silver Sonic T-14
Signal Cable Silver Resolution
I had the Speltz Anti Cables in my system for about 5 years. Previously used MIT 700+ and it was like a cool Canadian front came through with the Speltz.
I then switched to the Mogami cabling and I heard what was missing with the Speltz. Signature of the Speltz is mostly aimed at mid treble.
The Mogami (inexpensive but excellent cabling) brings in more layers of the audio spectrum. Perhaps you’re missing detail and mistaking this for sluggishness?
Both cables are cheap enough to try.
Ok, I'm being pulled back in.

@AG-  My dac has a separate power supply is r2r and uses 4 -12at7 gold lion tubes and me thinks it is pretty tits.  I've been on a deep, deep....very quite deep dive on transports the past few weeks and agree this area of my system can use a booster seat as I stopped using a cd transport some years ago. 

@tweak1- pretty sweet that you were able to goose up the prat factor so much with Wire World Electra 7 PC's- I definitely want to try those cords and am on the hunt, thanks for the tip.  

@arro222- Maybe?  However, my body will usually gyrate in one way or another if the tempo is right. In some of my research, I think all of my gear will likely benefit from tweak1's suggestion of  Wire World Electra 7 PC cords (nice science that makes sense to me and I may spring for the silver edition)  the Snake River Audio Boomslang and the cables from Audio Envy look enticing as well.  I've never been one to focus on cables TOO much and am cautiously wading into the murky waters of audio cables.  I haven't looked at the other suggestions yet but will in time.  In my opinion, my cabling is just decent, but I know for sure they are not delivering all that may be possible therefore can be improved upon and maybe just enough for what I'm after...maybe.   

@geoffkait-  I didn't know cryo'd cables made things sound faster- thanks for the tip.
nice and well rounded sounding speaker cables (non-biwire) and interconnects (single-ended) that excel in speed, tempo, PRAT, what
well...this an idea I did not know about....’a well rounded SOUNDING cables’ just stick them directly into your ears, right? saved on speakers can go for another set of those SOUNDING cables
See if you can find a pair of Amadi interconnects for your pre/pwr connection. They show up used every once in a while. I have them as a "fast" or "silver" reference when I think my regular AQ Columbia’s are veiling something.
Don’t take my word for it, buy some wires and find out for yourself. Good cables will always re-sell.
And don’t evaluate anything until it’s broken-in!

I agree with the amplifier points. SS was more your speed. Maybe try a higher guage speeker cable. Also try the upgrade on the power cord. Nordost blue heaven is on all of my components. Try before you by otherwise you will be going down the rabbit hole. Go 10GA on the speaker cable. If it works upgrade to something you like.