Save your money. Get a pair of Audio Nirvana full range drivers and either build your box or pay someone local to do it for you. I have the 15in alinco classics and the 8in neodymiums classics. I prefer the 8s for speed and transients, and the 15s for tone and richness, being super picky though, as both are amazing. About $700 for the 8in pair and about $1200 for the 15s if I’m not mistaken. They are super efficent and I use a 8 watt Set amplifier(300b) to power them. Best imaging and the "fastest" drivers I’ve ever heard.... by a large margin. Sounds exactly what your looking for. Very susceptible to having a good back end though as they are the most transparent drivers I’ve ever heard. Shows all weaknesses in a system. May get some backlash for this due to their price... o well...