Amp recommendation to drive Thiel 3.6 speakers

Hello everyone,
My first post here. I''l get right to the point.
I am looking for recommendations for suitable power amp monoblocks to drive a pair of Thiel 3.6 that I have had for 20 years, and which I intend to keep. Let me describe my current system.
Speakers: Thiel; 3.6
Power amps: Manley 250 classic monoblocks (tube)
Pre-amp: Audio Research Reference (tube)
Phono-pre: Audio Research Reference 2 SE (tube)
Turntable: VPI/SME, and Linn LP12
Digital: Audio Research CD3

I am looking for recommendations to replace the Manleys. From what I know, the Thiels are a difficult load.
Thanks in advance
Aragon Palladium if you can find a pair? Same era? I saw a number of different dealers in Florida New York and Texas that had those deals in my recollection is that they were typically hooked up either to Levinsons or Krells.
Sanders Magtech Monoblocks should do the job easy. I auditioned vs T+A and couldn’t tell the difference. These amps are unstoppable, have a free trial (shipping included) and a LIFETIME warranty. 
Pym OP
I looked at a Gryphon Antileon Signature. I wish! Unless the photos have me wrong, what an ugly monster, the wife will run me out.
Most women I know like that 1910-1935 "Art Deco" look, especially the fashion of that time.

Cheers George