wire “burning-in”? You’re pulling our legs, right? Would you please tell me what there is in a piece of coax to burn-in? Don’t tell me that it’s the dielectric that’s forming. That occurs in seconds when it is applicable. In cable, It’s not.
What’s more likely is that the component that’s “burning-in” is you, the listener. You are getting used to the new sound of the new cable. The cable hasn’t changed one iota.
wire “burning-in”? You’re pulling our legs, right? Would you please tell me what there is in a piece of coax to burn-in? Don’t tell me that it’s the dielectric that’s forming. That occurs in seconds when it is applicable. In cable, It’s not.
What’s more likely is that the component that’s “burning-in” is you, the listener. You are getting used to the new sound of the new cable. The cable hasn’t changed one iota.