Dac upgrade

Thinking of upgrading my ayre qx-5 twenty dac to a T+A dac .
going to audition it next week.
the mp 3100 hv and the hdv 3100 hv.
my system is ayre Mx-r twenty, kx-r twenty , kef blades, Jl audio f113 sub ( a pair) , cardas clear interconnects , speaker cables and power cords , lumin u1, ayre c-5xe 
appreciate any input on the t+a , read awesome reviews about them but can’t imagine how they can sound better than my ayre qx-5 twenty .
thanks in advance 
If I listened to reviews, I would be an unhappy guy.  I have to hear something in my system with my own ears before I buy something.  For example, I recently read a review regarding a particular resistor.  It was the best of the best.  Now I cannot hear them in my system before I purchase so I took the plunge against my better judgement as I have heard the material of the resistor before and was not impressed but this was something new.  Well I received them and last night soldered them in.  Within seconds I knew that sound, I was not impressed.  Unfortunately they cannot be returned and they are very expensive.  I will never to that ever again.  I knew in my mind what they would sound like from experience and that is exactly what happened.

Also, you need to understand what makes something sound good or to your liking.  I see recommendations above but you don't know exactly why they feel one component sounds better to them that the other that they compared it to.  I am lucky to be in NYC area.  Plenty of audio nuts and clubs to hear things and to borrow.  Since we build our own components and repair components I also get to hear a wide range of things.  BUT some people prefer something that I don't like as much versus something else simply because of their musical taste.  Some like a warmer sound, some prefer a large sound stage, some like more 3D, some like resolution.  So that is the first question when someone says I like this better than that.  Second, what music do they prefer, classical, classic rock, vocals, piano, horns, etc.  What speakers are they using?

For example, last night I had a few guys over to hear our new amp designs.  Pure Class A versus tube hybrid.  Some preferred the Class A as it was fast, deep in the bass and had more of a jump factor.  The tube hybrid had more of an easy sound, big sound stage, more 3D, with killer vocals.  One of the guys who preferred the Class A had to leave early and then I remembered that I set the transistor bias in the hybrid very low so it would sound warmer and more musical.  Took out the volt meter, raised the bias and and then pure magic.  Bass went deeper, vocals came out more and floated in the air, etc.  So once you know what makes something sound the way it sounds, you can then understand how it changes your sound.

So my advise is always hear something in your system and let your ears be the judge.  I have heard most of the recommendations above.  A few of them are not to my liking.

Happy Listening.
agree with you 100%.
i love the sound of ayre gear .
i have heard most of the other brands and have not liked them like I do ayre .
i love their clear , 3D soundstage ,resolution with delicate vocals and clean bass .
so I am glad I get to hear the t+a in my home in my system and compare it head to head with my fav qx-5 and then decide . 
At your level of gear EmmLabs DA2 V2 should also be considered.I'm aware it's very expensive though.
I have alll tube gear and surprised the audio mirror trubadour lll SE was not mentioned? Have had one for 6 months tube based $2500. Here is link: http:audiomirror.com 

Love mine in tube system! 

Listened to the t+a hv 3100 , the standalone dac with preamplifier. Compared it with my ayre qx-5 ( my love ) .
the t+a sounded better with more control on bass , cleaner mid and highs and a tighter overall sound . I paired it with a wolf streamer thru Roon.
wound up trading in my beloved ayre and lumin u1 and getting the wolf streamer and t+a hv 3100 dac ...