Articles You Feel Should be Shared

I’ll kick off with a recent posting by the remarkably clear-sighted and even handed Archimago.

Once again cutting through layers of mostly deliberate confusion, obfuscation and denial.

Production, Reproduction and Perception - the 3 pillars upon which everything in our audiophile world stands, is my new mantra.

So simple it’s surprising that no one else pointed it out earlier.

Be sure to also check out his follow up blog from Wednesday, 11 March 2020.
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Blind test is some play for marketers and debunkers....The two sells their products, the debunkers their concept of science and technology, the marketers their own concept of science and technology... They are Janus brothers....

How can someone could prove to me that all my created controls non conventional methods, homemade creations and tweaks, that change all my audio system in the last 2 years, like day and night, were illusory placebos? Or worst, vain bragging.... You cannot explain the listening apprenticeship trough which i was going with an incremental increase of S.Q., one week after another, by the auto genesis in me of conditioned hallucinations....

And speaking of the auditory limitation of human has nothing to do to the listening learned habilities, they are not measurable in Hertz....

Those who sell snake oil exist, but all vendors dont sell snake oil, and debunkers exist, and they are not all deluded by their obsession either to proove me wrong, thanks God!

A blind test cannot test the hundred of changes i implemented in my audio system in the last 48 months....Sorry.....I can fool myself few times about a change, but not about a hundred.... Think about it before throwing up your "explanation" and proof with blind test....

Why not begins the process to increase the quality of your own audio system by yourself before negating this possibility with blind testing?

But being by myself in the work of making my system great with cheap low cost methods i need neither two, the debunker and the marketer....

I really like the illusion tests. Had to bookmark that to many links off of it, keep me busy for awhile. 
Any thread that triggers Mr. Pebbles to respond in <11 minutes without even following the link (or he would know it was just a forum thread, not an article), must be a good thread. I have nothing to add yet, I just don't know how to follow a thread without posting in it ...  yet :-)
djones512,416 posts07-05-2020 9:54amYes, I've seen some of those as well. Here's a thread from that hated sight ASR on fuses affecting sound. It's not a blind test.
geoffkait23,245 posts07-05-2020 9:58amI wouldn’t use the word bogus...
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geoffkait23,245 posts07-05-2020 10:05amIn that last article from Audio Science Review djones51 just posted I don’t think I’ve seen so much misinformation and disinformation since Gandhi was a Boy Scout.