Audio Aero Prima CD player vs.Modwright Sony 999es

Has anyone heard both of these two cd players? I am trying to decide on a CD player and both of these have caught my interest. The Modwright would be slightly more expensive but not much. The rest of my system includes Alon Lotus Elite speakers and a Conrad Johnson MV60SE amp. Any comments or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thx
I'm still not sure why this was inserted into this thread, but you might want to inform Frank of this situation. Because as of this week, Frank insists that he is still an Audio Aero dealer.
Guys, I ended up going for the Modwright. It is an amazing player. Never heard sound like this before. Thanks for the help.
Did you get the newest modded version? I am curious how you think it does on redbook & on sacd? Is there a big difference in performance between them? Thanks